Is Polish a language or does Poland speak a diffrent language?I thought they spoke alittle French,German......
2008-05-30 13:42:29 UTC
and mainly English?
Eight answers:
2008-05-30 13:51:30 UTC
Yes, Polish is a seperate language. As with any European country an individual may also speak other languages to one extent or the other, but the native language is still Polish, which is part of the Slavic family of languages if memory serves.
2016-05-22 18:21:42 UTC
The Official Language of the country is Polish. Aside from Polish, there are a total of 16 other languages officially recognized as minority languages of Poland. These include various ethnic and minority languages such as German, Russian and Karaim.
2008-05-31 00:19:00 UTC
ARE i Caroline : trochę luzu:-) Nawet pozytywnie odczytuję to pytanie, nie wie, to się pyta. To tak już jest, mieszkam w małym mieście, wiem dużo. Mieszkam w dużym, nie mam pojęcia o żadnym małym. Mieszkam w "małym" państwie - tak samo. "mały" niekoniecznie odnosi się do granic, a "mieszkam" niekoniecznie do życia w danym państwie. Ale swoją drogą widziałam jakiś quiz gdzie laska, amerykanka myślała że Europa to kraj, poza nią słyszała o Francji, ale myślała że to tylko miasto... Jak są sobą zaaferowani - co poradzić?

About question, not only has Poland its own language (Polish), but there are also many different varieties of it : I mean dialects, slangs. If a person from one part of the country (eg. Katowice- Silesia) talked with anoher one, from another part of country (eg. Warsaw), and both of them spoke thir dialects, they would not understand each other. Even accent is different in different places. My sister studies in Cracow, and I live in Pszczyna, and when she comes home I am really amused with her accent (sounds funny). But this is so in amlost every country.
2008-06-01 15:03:32 UTC
umm- the national language of the country is Polish and unless you are only staying in you hotel, chances are that MoSt people around will know very very little english...or french or any other language.
2008-05-30 13:52:27 UTC
It is a language. A seperate language.
2008-05-30 14:58:33 UTC
W głowie mi się nie mieści że można zadawac tak głupie pytania :)

a w Stanach krążą kawały o głupich Polakach... LITOŚCI!
2008-05-30 21:20:33 UTC
to ARE: moja droga, glupkow jest wiecej w Ameryce niz gdziekolwiek indziej, bedac tutaj w high school jeden mi sie zapytal czy nie jest mi zimno w tym klimacie, idiota myslal ze Polska to jakis egoztyczny kraj z palmami... ratunku na pomoc, geografia z 4 klasy sie klania!
2008-06-01 07:22:44 UTC
No its polish.

Though sometimes there are english words.


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